There will be no Latin Novus Ordo Mass on Sunday 28 October, due to involvement in the traditional Christus Rex Pilgrimage, which culminates in a Solemn High Mass in the Classical Use at 3pm on Sunday 28 October in St Patrick's Cathedral Ballarat.
All are welcome to attend.
Details are: The 17th annual Christus Rex Pilgrimage, a 3-day pilgrimage based on the ancient Chartes Pilgrimage in France, takes place October 26-28. Pilgrims walk from St Patrick's Cathedral Ballarat to Sacred Heart Cathedral Bendigo, where Bishop Peter Elliott will offer Solemn High Mass at 3pm, Sunday October 28th. The pilgrimage includes daily Solemn Mass according to the 1962 Missal, with Gregorian Chant and polyphony. Prayers, singing, litanies, Confession and spiritual guidance en route. All meals, accommodation and transportation of baggage during the walk are included. For further information, including costs and transportation options, visit: http://www.crex.org/ or call James Stewart (Vic) 0419 515 330.