Sunday, 29 August 2021

RORATE CÆLI: Cancelling Pope Benedict: Reflections on a recent article and the “hermeneutic of rupture”

RORATE CÆLI: Cancelling Pope Benedict: Reflections on a recent article and the "hermeneutic of rupture"

Cancelling Pope Benedict: Reflections on a recent article and the "hermeneutic of rupture"

Rorate has received this excellent essay by "A Concerned Priest" and is pleased to share it with our readers. It is one of the best analyses to date of the impossible theological premises on which Pope Francis has enacted his campaign against the survival of the traditional rites of the Church.

Professor Martin Madar has written in La Croix (August 9, 2021) a revealing article concerning the larger project represented by Traditionis Custodes. It bears the title "Pope Francis should correct his predecessor on another point."[0] The project here is one to which all Catholics, especially bishops, should pay close attention because it reveals what is really at stake in the current debates about the future of the traditional Mass. It is not so much the individual author who matters: he stands in for an ecclesiastical party that is very prominent today; were it otherwise, Catholics outside the ivory tower could just ignore this article and others like it.