This week 2 Masses will be celebrated with the support of theGlorificamus Society.
Firstly, our usual monthly Mass will be offered this Sunday 29 June at 6pm at St Brigid's Church, North Fitzroy for the Solemnity of Sts Peter & Paul.
In addition, a special Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit will be offeredthis Friday, 27 June at 7pm in the newly restored church of St Mary's Star of the Sea, 33 Howard Street, West Melbourne.
The Mass is offered in preparation for the visit of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI to Sydney and for World Youth Day 2008, and has been organised by the Victorian Catholic Students and Young Adults Association. This Novus Ordo Mass will be celebrated in Latin, ad orientem, with Gregorian Chant. All are welcome to attend this Massnot just young people. Following its restoration, St Mary's is arguably Melbourne's finestand most beautiful church. This Mass will be one of the firstcelebrated in the fully restored church, which re-opens this Thursday.